19th Harvest Week <> Sept. 21 - 27, 1998

Potato-Leek Soup

3 med. potatoes
2 large leeks (3 or 4 small)
2 cans chicken (or Westbrae Un-Chicken) broth
butter for sauteeing
white pepper
milk or cream

Scrub and dice potatoes (leave on skin). Trim off roots and green leaves from leeks, keeping only white and pale green part of stalks. (Note: leeks can be gritty -- if so, separate layers and wash thoroughly!) Chop leeks. Simmer potatoes in broth about 20 min., until tender. Saute leeks in butter until translucent. Combine leeks, potatoes and broth in a blender and puree, thinning w/milk or cream as desired. Return to pan and heat through, adding white pepper & nutmeg to taste.

Garlic Tomatoes

Tomatoes (as many as you like!)
several cloves garlic, peeled
olive oil and (red wine) vinegar, in roughly 2 1/2-to-1 proportions
fresh basil, shredded (optional)
salt and pepper

Cut up tomatoes into wedges or chunks. Crush garlic and combine w/rest of ingredients to make a vinagrette. Add tomatoes and marinate. Serve cold. YUM!

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